"It is with great regret that DRAGONFORCE announce a parting of the ways with singer ZP Theart," the group writes in a statement. "This is due to insurmountable differences of musical opinion but the rest of the band sincerely wishes ZP great success with his future projects."
"Insurmountable differences of musical opinion," eh? The snark in me wonders what these differences could have possibly been, and if DF will be better or worse off with a new singer. Though, it seems to me, they couldn't possibly be any worse.
Wow, DF is out a singer, eh? Did not see this coming! Well you are right about one thing... they could not possiblity be any worse off!
It's too bad that they've fired ZP. He was one of the reasons why I still listened to DF. I love his voice. But ah wel, just hope they find a new, good singer soon!
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