The comment included a spelling correction in new co-lead vocalist Monika Wesely's surname. I was spelling it "Wesley" which is common in English, but I have been corrected and I corrected the mistake in the main post.
The commenter was also kind enough to leave some links to samples of Monika's voice, for which I am very grateful.
Here is Monika's MySpace page: Monika Wesely.
Monika also has some YouTube videos, and you can see her channel here.
Monika is a musical actress, and after listening to the samples of her voice on YT and MySpace, I am really excited about her collaboration with DoD, because she has a lovely, clear soprano, and I can totally imagine her singing the old DoD material!
So, thank you Anonymous/DoD for getting in touch! I really appreciate it!
Photo credit to this site.
EDIT/UPDATE, May 25, 2010: the band has posted a demo on their MySpace page called "Miracles", which features the new vocalists. You can listen here.
She looks like one of the female who sang together with André Rieu on his last Dutch concert..
Anyway: she has a really amazing voice!
Your welcome. This info was given by Dawn Of Destiny's Keyboarder Dirk (that's me). Did you already listen to the sample of Jeanette and Monika on our Myspace-site "Miracles"
Best Regards from Germany
Dawn Of Destiny
Hi again, Dirk!
Yes, this morning I found the new demo on your page, and then again on your MySpace page. I though it sounded really cool, and, interesting that it's you who is commenting, because I particularly loved the keyboard intro! The two vocalists sound really great together, very complimentary to each other, and the demo sounded to me like a bit more of a symphonic power metal approach. But still with that characteristic DoD thrashiness that I love so much.
So I am very excited for you guys. I hope the recordings go well and I look forward to hearing more!
I will edit this post to include the link to the demo song!
Thanks again for commenting! You are making my day!
@Sorcha: *lol* no, it wasn't me with Andre Rieu (though my dad would really love that xD)
nice greetings,
Monika (DoD)
Hi Monika! Nice to see you here, and thanks for commenting!
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